Learn From
- ubuntu 19.04
- Spacemacs 0.200.13@26.3
- Emacs 26.3
Backup the way how to install tabnine in spacemacs. Only use the following content when the above link is not available.
We would like to use tabnine as a back-end service provider. auto-completion is the front-end. We will do the following setting auto-completion -> company -> company-tabnine.
Create tabnine layer
- In spacemacs, type SPC SPC
- configuration-layer/create-layer
- Asking for Configuration layer path, use default path ~/.emacs.d/private/
- Asking for Configuration layer name, type tabnine
- Asking for Create readme? (y or n), type n
Inside ~/.emacs.d/private/tabnine/package.el
(defconst tabnine-packages '(company-tabnine) ) ;;; initial company-tabnine library (defun tabnine/init-company-tabnine() (use-package company-tabnine :ensure t :defer t :init :config) ) ;;; use company-tabnine as company backend (defun tabnine/post-init-company-tabnine() (with-eval-after-load 'company (add-to-list 'company-backends #'company-tabnine) ) )
Add tabnine layer inside ~/.spacemacs
;; List of configuration layers to load. dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( auto-completion better-defaults version-control emacs-lisp git ivy tabnine )
Final step
- Restart spacemacs
- You may need to install tabnine binary, SPC SPC, company-tabnine-install-binary
- Try it out or enable the layer by SPC SPC, company-mode
- notice: Company mode enabled in current buffer